Ladrang Akademis (Fall 2018, composition)
Konsep Banyu Mili Sebagai Salah Satu Pijakan Pengembangan Wilèdan pada Céngkok Gendèr (Spring 2020, undergraduate thesis)
Titik Tengah Sebagai Dasar Klasifikasi Cengkok Gender (Keteg vol. 20, no. 1 [2020])
The Varied Meanings and Uses of ‘World Music’: Commercialization, Education, and Academic Differentiation (Fall 2020, MA coursework)
Chains, Ladders, Ciphers, and Glyphs: The Development and Standardization of Central Javanese Gamelan Notation (Fall 2020, MA coursework)
Implicit Register: Re-evaluating Pitch Height Perception in Central Javanese Gamelan Music (Spring 2021, MA coursework)
“If only beautiful céngkok are selected”: The Problem of Codification in Central Javanese Gendèr Playing (Spring 2021, MA coursework)
Forgotten Music for a Familiar Instrument: Memory, Narrative, and the Classic Banjo Tradition (2022, thesis)